I recently made a washable liner for my bunny girl's cage
Isn't she precious? :)
Well, this was by far one of the most simple, yet most CONVENIENT thing of my life.
If you didn't know, rabbits eat hay, and hay sticks terribly to towels (what I used before to line her cage) so it would take me at least 20 minutes to pick all the hay off the towel before I could put it in my washer.
This can also be made for dog kennels, it's so easy and would be great to soak up accidents, and easy to wash too!
Here's the price layout for this tutorial:
2 pillowcases (thrift store) 2.50 each= 5.00 (you could also just used fabric, but pillow cases make it super easy)
Towels 2.49 each at Walmart ( I actually used my old towels)
Total cost for me- 5.00
Total cost if you need to buy towels- 9.98
Alright, here comes the simplest tutorial ever.
Lay the towel flat on the ground
Lay your pillow case flat on the ground over the towel
Cut the towel around the pillow case. So now you have a pillow case size towel.
Put towel flat inside pillow case, make sure the edges of the towel are touching all edges of the pillow case.
Sew around the edges of the pillow case.
for reals.
Here's pictures of mine finished, I had to make some adjustments because Tallie's cage is not the same size of a pillow case, and since i forgot to take pictures of it when i made it, it's different colors than the picture above :)
I measured her cage beforehand to make sure it was a good fit!
If you're feeling really adventurous you can try different colors on each side!
I loved making these, they're absorbant, and can be thrown right in the wash. And SO SO easy!
Under 1 day, Under 30 dollars :)
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